Tuesday, May 24, 2016

War and Peace sketchbook edition FAQ

Hey everyone, 
We've gotten some questions about the upcoming sketchbooks with Story Supply Co., and I've noticed some confusion I want to clear up. 

1. The War and Peace edition is a limited edition sketchbook. So, once we sell out there is NO GUARANTEE that you'll be able to get a set. 
Some folks are taking a "waiting and see" approach with this, which is a mistake. I can't stress enough, this is NOT like in comics where you can wait for the trade. If you want to be SURE to get these limited edition sketchbook you gotta pre-order. 

2. Only the pre-ordered sketchbooks are GUARANTEED to be signed. Once the pre-orders are done, there is NO guarantee of getting a signed edition, unless you can personally come to one of our events for the sketchbook. 
Same goes with the sketches inside the sketchbooks. If you want me to sign and sketch in your special edition sketchbooks you MUST pre-order and choose one of the two sketch options.

3. If you choose the $50 sketch option I will do a sketch in one of your sketchbooks. 
Which leads me to...

4. With your pre-order you get BOTH the War AND Peace sketchbook, NOT one or the other. They come as a set of two. Each SET sold also means we donate one sketchbook to a young artist.

5. I don't currently doing commissions, but if you choose the $100 sketch option for the set I will do one sketch, character of your choice, in one of the sketchbooks. So, basically a commission, with the pre-order.

If you have any questions the folks at Story Supply Co. and I would love to answer them, and we hope you choose to support this important project! But you have to jump on this before all the pre-order options are gone! 


Friday, May 20, 2016

"War and Peace"! My new line of sketchbooks, with Story Supply Co.

Ready for the BIG NEWS regarding my new project with The Story Supply Co.?! 



Well, here it is! I’ve developed a line of sketchbooks in conjunction with the folks at Story Supply Co.! Each sketchbook will have a full wrap around cover by me. I’ve designed it around a two-word theme, in this case it’s “War and Peace”. 

This project is very special to me. Growing up a very poor kid the one thing that changed the course of my life was drawing. When I entered the art program at William Penn High School one of the first things given to me was a free sketchbook. It may have seemed like a small thing to my teachers, but to me it meant the world. I filled up sketchbook after sketchbook, and they always had a new one to replace the old. 

Now I draw for a living and I’m in the position to return the favor. For every set of “War and Peace” sketchbooks sold Story Supply Co. and I will donate one free sketchbook to a young artist. Our first batch of books is destined for my old High School art program, run by my one-time teacher (and one of my heroes) Joan Inman. 

If you follow me on social media you know how much I love to sketch. I wanted to make a sketchbook I’d lover to draw in. Story Supply and I have worked hard to make this sketchbook as great as it can be. I got to hand pick paper stocks with them, hammer out the design, and let my mind loose on the coolest covers I could think of. Story Supply is putting it all together and have nailed down every detail, down the color of the staples holding this beauty together! 

I hope you will too, and that you’ll support us on this crazy new venture we’ve cooked up! 



PS - I don’t often do commissions, and rarely attend cons, so pre-order early if you want one of the sketch options! 

New project with Story Supply Co.!

I have a new project with The Story Supply Co. in the works, soon to be announced! 

Stay Tuned.


Saturday, May 07, 2016


Happy Free Comic Book Day!

I'll be at Comix Connection York from 11 - 2, and The Comic Store Lancaster from 4 - 6

We're also doing a food and toy drive at Comix Connection. Top food donator at today's food drive (during my DCBD signing at Comix Connection - York) wins this drawing!

Come by and say hi! 
