Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Comic Twart art blog, TinTin

Trying to catch up on Comic Twart. With all the stuff I have going on this is easier said then done.

Last week Tin Tin was our subject, and I must confess I've never actually read a Tin Tin comic. I know, I know. For shame. Anyway,I got the idea to fast forward into Tin Tin's future and see if he'd grown world weary from all his travels and adventures. This came out of that.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Third Annual Comix Creator Cookout!

Hey everyone!

The third annual Comix Creator Cookout is this coming Saturday, and I'm hoping any of you in or near central PA will be able to make it out.

This event is very close to my heart, and is great fun every time we do it. If you've never heard of it, basically it's a big cook out at the Comix Connection Mechanicsburg, as well as a comic signing. We take donations of canned food and cash for a local food bank. This year I'll be giving away a piece of art to the person with the heaviest donation. We'll also be giving away a bunch of other stuff to folks who donate at the event.

Writers Jesus Gonzalez, Brian Keene, and myself at least year's cookout. Brian and Jesus will be returning again this year!

Seriously, if you're close by you gotta swing by and say Hi. Lunch is on us ;)


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

BE HEARD! vote on the All City Quarterly sketch mag format!

Color! or...

Black and White!?

I've been planning a quarterly sketch mag titled "All City" for some time now. For an idea of what might be in it, just do a blog search for "sketches" or "Sketchbook"

Problem is that I've been stuck on the format. My initial idea was to do a black and white quarterly, but could in theory do it in color...which I would really love. BUT it would be much more expensive to print.

So, my question to you is this: Would you rather have a 45-48 page b&w art/sketchbook for around $10 or a color version for around $20?

Post your votes below! Thanks!


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Fear Agent on

Hey everyone, has a great interview with Fear Agent writer Rick Remender about the last arc of this beloved series. Check it out here.

I especially liked this bit Rick had to say, "It’s also nice working with the guys you came up in the industry with. It’s something that is very Band of Brothers-ish, if you were in the nerd trenches making comics instead of fighting for the future of the free world. Coming from the indie stables with your boys and making good is a terrific feeling."

Some of the pages they're showing I've previewed here before, but I believe some are new. So I'm going to show the pencils below, for anyone who's interested.
