I couldn't sleep last night, and got up around 4am (don't ask) so I took the extra time to chill out and draw FOR FUN! Almost never happens anymore.
Here's one of three things I started. I'll share more over the weekend. I have this not-so-secret desire to draw a DREDD story for 2000 AD someday, and couldn't resist trying my hand at Mr. Iyamdalaw himself.
DREDD is easily the most fun I've had drawing a character in a while. All that chunky armor, the cool helmut, and that crazy face. The folks at 2000 AD have decided to allow DREDD to age in real time with the series (unlike Batman or Wolverine who never age, ever!) which I think is a great idea. It allows me to give DREDD a grizzled, Clint-like feel.
Also, apparently I have a blue period. Who knew?
Anyway, enjoy.