Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dirty Girls - The dishwasher

hey everyone,

Monday may mean the weekend is over, but it ALSO means it's time for a new Dirty Girl! This week's girl is a dishwasher.

Be sure to check every Monday for a new Dirty Girl!

Hope you enjoy it!



PatrickWedge said...

One of my first "official" jobs when I was 15 was a bus boy/dishwasher at a local Chinese resturant and I never, ever saw a dishwasher like this.

Now the that was a boy's dream.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Yeah, but the hostesses never get dirty. ;)


PatrickWedge said...

What part of "Chinese resturant" did you not read? LOL.

She helped out in everthing, helping clean the tables, cart back dishes and fill in everywhere. One night I had two other dishwashers call in sick and it was just me. She was a sweetie that night.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Hmm? I never thought of that! ;)
