Monday, October 06, 2008

Finished TMNT pinup

I finished up that pin up for the Tales of the TMNT. Nice, fun piece. I love jumping in and out of these type of short term gigs, and love bringing my style to these classic characters.

Go to the official TMNT site for more info on the comic -


ps - This art is available at


Dan C said...

Nice illustration, Mike. That Casey is badass... (you'd almost looks a young Iggy Pop is under that mask; very cool) plus those drybrush blacks are excellent.

When is this hitting the shelves?


PatrickWedge said...

Awesome stuff as usual. Really appreciate the effort and time you put into the background and detail on the buildings and pipes and such to add that realistic effect to the characters' surroundings. Big time grit and grim feel for it.

Ditto on the dry brush comment. Sweet stuff.

Daniel Hardesty said...

Very cool my friend. You can never get enough turtles, right?

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, fellas! I appreciate it.

This is slated for issue 56 of Tales of the TMNT. Not sure when when that ships tho. I think they're around 50 as of right now.


Tristan Jones said...

It'll be March mate. #50 just came out in last month, so provided everything runs according to schedule, it'll be March.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Right on! Thanks!


Tristan Jones said...

No worries! You gotta grace us with another Hawthorne interior masterpiece sometime mate!

Mike Hawthorne said...

I'd love to, if Mirage and I can get our schedules to work out somehow. I'd love to draw something with Casey, or the Triceratons! That'd be sweet!
