Tuesday, January 18, 2011

COMIC TWART turns 1, & new art blog CORNERED!

Hey everyone,

So, the group art blog Comic Twart turned one this week! Hard to believe we've been at it a solid year, but there you go. "Time flies..." and all that.

Look for an interesting week of entries there this week as we take on our favorite subjects to celebrate the occasion!

But I wanted to point out another group blog I'm contributing to, it's called CORNERED.

Here's the sales pitch:

"Welcome to Cornered - inspired by the great Covered and Repaneled blogs, here we recreate the spot character illustrations which appeared in the upper left-hand corners of so many classic comics, from Marvel to DC to Harvey, Charlton and beyond!"

And here's my first contribution.

So swing by and check out all the fun pieces being posted there!



Braden said...

Hey Mike,

Found out about your work thanks to your recent pencils on Conan! Love your stuff man, really dig your take on conan, and your work in general. Very expressive and dynamic! Looking forward to reading the next 4 issues, and seeing what new stuff you've got coming up here on the blog.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thank you! I appreciate the kind words, and you checking out my stuff.

I'm contracted to do 12 issues of Conan, so I'll be doing that for the foreseeable future.

Thanks again :-)
