Sunday, June 03, 2012

Battlepug on Comic Twart

We featured Mike Norton's webcomic Battlepug on Comic Twart, and I just posted my piece.

Why did I draw a naked lady for a comic about a pug who battles? Well, go give the Battlbepug webcomic a read and find out. Just be sure to start at the beginning. It's fun stuff, and Mike is a great guy!



Unknown said...

Good work

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thank you :-)

Jason Quinones said...

NICE n' Bootylicious!

Mike Hawthorne said...

You know how I roll ;-)

Patrick said...


Really....dang. I could make all sorts of comments on this one but really, that is a slick drawing sir. Lady needs soft lines to show the delicate form and you did that.

Take a bow!

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Pat! You're too kind.