Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Deadpool 10 preview. Deadpool 8 in stores


Marvel released a preview for Deadpool #10, with guest start Spiderman.

AND issue #8 is in stores, if you're into that sort of thing ;-)

There you go.



Charles R. Rutledge said...

Your ears may have been burning last night, Mike. You were the topic of conversation at my local comic shop. Iw as making everyone check out Deadpool. Commando marketing!

Mike Hawthorne said...

My MAN! Thanks, dude :-)

Rasmane said...

Giving Spidey dimensional eyepieces—that’s just sneaky!

Mike Hawthorne said...

I do what I does, man ;-)

Rasmane said...

I’ve been re-reading Deadpool. I didn’t know the dimensional eyepeices were a “Superior Spider-Man” conceit, but I’m happy to credit you...your drawing rewards people who pay attention. Lots of artists use ”detail”, but yours actually look like the things they’re supposed to be. For instance, the shards of broken solar panel in DP’s torso in this issue...stoopid!

Are all the sight gags in the script? Like Ben Franklin’s ghost entering the strip club through the lips painted on the building?