Monday, January 28, 2008

Y- the last issue part I

So, many of you are big fans of Y - the last man. AND, as you know the comic is coming to an end. Newsarama is putting together a farewell to the book, and I was asked to contribute a piece for the official goodbye. I'm honored to help say good by to a ground breaking comic.

I chose to focus on one of Y's coolest characters - Agent 355. Here's the tonal drawing I did to try and get my contribution figured out. I dug it, but decided to change the composition a bit for the final. I'll post it later in the week.


PS - I was told "Brian and Pia are big fans of your work"! Who knew!? :)


PatrickWedge said...

Nice when the creators of the book are fans. Gives you a little perk in your step when you hear that.

Nice drawing by the way. No sure I want to know what happened in the moment before that shot. :)

Mike Hawthorne said...

Yeah, it was cool to hear. I don't know either of them, so this was nice.
