Wednesday, February 18, 2009

G.I. JOE: Origins out today! 2/18

Issue 1 hit stands today, and I'd love to hear what you think. Unless you didn't like it, in which case you shouldn't tell me. Basically, I only want to hear you liked it. I'm a dictator that way ;)

Since it's on stands I can finally show more art! This is Chimera, the new bad guy for the series.


PS - Apparently some shops/cities didn't get their shipment or got half shipments. I think the demand was greater then expected. Anyway, hope it gets resolved soon...


Tristan Jones said...

Great job on this mate! I know you had to make your pages look similar but you can tell immediately when you're up. Eagerly awaiting the rest!

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, man! I appreciate it. I inject more and more of myself as the series goes on. Hopefully people will dig it. ;)
