Saturday, April 16, 2011

Roald Dahl week at Comic Twart Pt. 2

I *think* I wrapped up the Roald Dahl piece for Comic Twart.

It's almost what I had envisioned, which means it will bug me in the long run and I'll end up going back into it to tweak the art.

Hope you all dig it.



Patrick said...

Did you color that digitally? Just interesting how the colors really play with the image. Not bad mind you, just helping draw focus to the main character and the overall feel of the image.


Mike Hawthorne said...

Yeah, it's all digital. I drew with color in mind, actually.

Glad you dig it.


uwarr said...

"The Man from the South." A great short story, and one of the first episodes I saw on "Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected," a great TV series that came on between midnight and 1am in my town, way back in the late 70s. Great stuff.