Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sweet Science

I love my job drawing comics, but I gotta do stuff on the side to let me stretch my legs in ways I don't get to do in comcs. One of those "side projects" is a series of full color prints called "Sweet Science". All boxing related drawings, with a twist ;)

I'm hoping to have two prints ready for the Baltimore con this coming 8th and 9th. Here's a link for more info on the con
  • Baltimore Comicon

  • I'll be there as a guest of the show and set up with UMBRA writer and my pal Steve Murphy.

    I think I'll also be doing a panel for Vertigo. Come by and check us out.



    Urban Barbarian said...

    Man, that is bad ass!!! Great energy/pose and character! Three more reasons to hate on you!

    Calamity Jon Morris said...

    Beautiful, my man. Can I ask you to put a set aside for me when you get the whole series done? I'd definitely like to get the lot of 'em ...

    Mike Hawthorne said...

    Thanks, fellas!! Dan, you're the man.

    Jon, I'd be glad to set them aside for you pal ;)


    John G said...

    NICE. Great work as always, I can't wait for the finished prints!

    Mr.Magoo said...

    I'd let HER knock me around for a few rounds! Great drawing man, you're killin me here!

    Mike Hawthorne said...

    Thanks, fellas ;)
