Always wondered Mike, do you work from reduced layout pencils and then lightbox up the page or are you more of the draw sketchy right on the page type of artist and then tighten up things? Looks good, like the face in panel 4.
Actually, I do a scaled down layout which have the same proportions as the final page. I scan those into photoshop (or do them digitally with my Intuos tablet), blue line them, blow them up to the full page size, and print those out onto DC board. Sometime I may move things around to create gutters. Then I pencil on that.
Gotcha. Seems more and more that process is becoming common place to mock up or draw the page in chunks and "patch" it together. And I'm not using that terminology in a negative way, just think you can tell who can tell a story or not when they put the panels together, it either flows or not. Your pages seem to still do that.
Well, I'm not really patching it together. The layouts are done all at once, like a comic page, then blown up. I'll have to do a process post this week, to explain.
Always wondered Mike, do you work from reduced layout pencils and then lightbox up the page or are you more of the draw sketchy right on the page type of artist and then tighten up things? Looks good, like the face in panel 4.
Actually, I do a scaled down layout which have the same proportions as the final page. I scan those into photoshop (or do them digitally with my Intuos tablet), blue line them, blow them up to the full page size, and print those out onto DC board. Sometime I may move things around to create gutters. Then I pencil on that.
Repeat those steps for the inks too.
Gotcha. Seems more and more that process is becoming common place to mock up or draw the page in chunks and "patch" it together. And I'm not using that terminology in a negative way, just think you can tell who can tell a story or not when they put the panels together, it either flows or not. Your pages seem to still do that.
Well, I'm not really patching it together. The layouts are done all at once, like a comic page, then blown up. I'll have to do a process post this week, to explain.
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