Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hulk VS Thing

Apparently I always draw big monster dudes as kinda' somber.

Wonder who'd win in a "who's sadder" fight?

This guy...

...Or this guy?


PatrickWedge said...

The Thing for sure.

But man, those textures look good.

Craig Zablo said...

The Thing...

Samax said...

thing is sadder. his penile is made of rocks.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Three votes for Thing, and one for Thing's thing. Poor Thing :(


Winston Smith said...

Hulk am not sad. Hulk am happy Hulk have little birdie. And Hulk am happy he am living on Alex's wall...

Mike Hawthorne said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! :)