Saturday, March 12, 2011

Classic Suicide Squad

Here's another commission I wrapped up recently. Can't believe people pay me to have this much fun ;-)



Brian Jones said...

Someone got themselves one damn fine piece of art...Excellent job Mr. Hawthorne!

Patrick said...

Dang again....

Love...LOVE...the inking technique you went with when rendering the hand. Has a Mobieus feel to it. Just killer man.

Like Brian said, someone is getting their money's worth here. These last two commissions have been outstanding. They've also been depressing to know that I don't have the extra $$ to get one myself. That's what I'm saving up for.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, guys. I try and make sure people get their money's worth, especially with the bigger/more expensive pieces.

Glad you guys dig it :-)
