Saturday, November 22, 2008

¡Mysterioso! part 4

I'm hoping to announce some of the new stuff I'm working on soonish. In the mean time, I'm going to keep dropping teasers on you, all mysterious like ;)




Dan C said...

Really digging his expression with the baleful eye and the gaping mouth... now that's one pissed-off Klingon.

You think they'll let you throw in a "He's dead, Jim" at least once in the story?

Can't wait to see more


~ tOkKa said...

-->> PRE - Quel ?~!


PatrickWedge said...

Did you color this? Nice stuff, really adds to the image.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, guys!

Yes, I'm doing the colors on this and the next comic which is unrelated in terms of story and title, but related in that it'll be the same publisher.

Sorry for being so vague. Once i get the OK to announce more, I will.
