I'm entertaining the idea of self publishing the collected Hysteria comics into trades. I'm also thinking of taking pre-orders, at a discounted rate, to raise money on the print run.
So, my question to you folks is would you be interested? I'd started with Vol. 0 of the webcomic, and work my way to Vol. 2.
I figure I'd take pre-orders for about a month or so, and ship the books out a month after that...depending on the printer. If I can, I'd like to keep the price of the book around 10 to 15 bucks. If you pre-order I'd offer maybe 30% off or so, give or take. Or maybe I'd offer it with a print instead. Haven't worked out the details yet.
Any takers?
well, i know I want one!
Hell yeah, I'm a taker.
I'm still dying to find out how "One Man Gang" ends, and I'd love to have all the stories in trade format, so definitely count me in...
I'm in.
Maybe you could offer headsketches with advance orders?
I'm torn though, on one hand I'd love it to be the size of Vol. 1 so they'd look sweet on my bookshelf together, but on the other hand I want it to be a larger format to show off the artwork more.
I guess the only solution is to publish it in two sizes, so I can buy them both.
I'm in. Sign me up for one.
I'd be down for at least 1 copy as well.
Thank you everyone!
If I do a small print run, I'd only have to take pre-orders on about 20 to cover the initial costs. I like the idea of head sketches, so maybe I'll do that.
Of course, I'd take as many pre-orders as I can draw sketches for. Anyway, you dudes are the best! I'll keep you posted on the pre-order period.
If there was something like a head sketch or something, I'd be in for a couple then. One for me, one for a gift, etc. I'm sure if you made some ideas known to us, most of the dedicated few would probably be able to pre-pay as well to help you out. At least I'd be happy to do that.
Thanks man.
Yeah, pre-paying on order would be hugely helpful. Maybe that's the plan. Pre-pay for your book, I send out a headsketch till the book gets printed...something like that.
Awesome! You guys are great! I really think this is the way to go with this, especially in light of Diamond's new way to cut small pubs off from comic shops. I'd rather distribute it myself, and sell fewer of them.
I'd wait to have a quick headsketch in the trade itself honestly. Almost like a re-marked version of the trade. No point in shipping two seperate items if needed.
Granted, some people like to display their artwork on the wall. So could be an either or.
Does suck about the Diamond thing. My buddy's comic is going to face some uphill battles now with getting published. Poop
anyways, i'm definitely down for that preorder. lemme know when that drops!
I'd order two. I've got peeps who want to know how OMG ends.
Would definitely be interested! Man, if this happens, I'll be one happy panda.
Wow, thanks everyone!
So, yeah, I think maybe the head sketch is the way to go.
Keep in mind I'd be starting with Vol. 0 first, then if that goes well I'd keep going with Vol. 1 then Vol. 2.
I appreciate everyone's input. I'm going to look over the schedule and see when would be good to do this.
I'm in.
I'm game as well.
However, I can't check this as my collection's still all packed up, but hasn't vol 0 & 1 already seen print over at Oni? I'm sure I have at least vol 1, but I'm not sure about 0...
Vol. 0 was never collected into a trade, only the four issues I published way back when.
Oni did Vol.1, so there is that. It's not supposed to be available from them anymore.
Yea, I got that vol 1 a long while ago. I'd be all for a TP of 0 & 2 etc. Personally, I'd like the discount, 'cos being from Belgium the shipping wouldn't be nice to me, would it?
Anyway, when you get more news on this, I'm all ears!
sign me up for this! i don't know if the story is complete yet, but i'd love a big trade that collected the whole thing when it's done. :)
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