Remember how cool 'Elektra Lives Again' was? I came late to it, but once I laid eyes on it I knew I wanted to make THAT kind of comic. Anyway, over the weekend I decided to play around a bit with a shot of Elektra VS the ninjas in the cemetery, made famous by the fight scene from book.
Even used a red pencil for extra wreck. More soon.
Dig it, brother! I love seein' you break stuff down. Thanks for sharing.
that's what's happenin'!
Oran - Yeah, I'm trying to show what's behind the curtain, so to speak. I get asked about techincal stuff all the time, and noticed that I get a lot of hits from young artists trying to learn how to layout a comic or whatever.
I kinda find that refreshing. It shows that people WANT to learn the nuts and bolts, and not skip ahead to the eye candy.
My thing is show your pro-tools, show the thinking behind it, let other dudes/dudettes grow from that so I can swoop in LATER and then learn from them! Kinda like open source software for art ;)
Samaw - Thanks, amigo! Trying to drop "ill manure" :)
I second/third/compliment/etc. the praise coming here. I think these drawing for fun pieces are both educational and also really enjoyable to see you tackle. They really do look like you're having "fun" drawing the pieces just for the pure pleasure of the artform. There isn't a deadline. No imposed panel description. Just art for art.
And yeah, the Elektra Lives HC is sitting on my bookshelf so that scene is worth the inspiration. Looking forward to all the finished versions of these drawings.
They are fun. It's a nice break from the crazy work load I'm carrying right now. Kinda' helps keep me sane...
Anyway, thanks!
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