Been on a bit of a Batman kick lately. Here are a couple of drawings I've done of the character.
During my Twitter holiday contest I picked up so many new followers that I wanted to offer something in addition to the Red Crow piece that was up for grabs. So I decided to award three small head sketches as consolation prizes. This Batman is one of the three mini-prizes in the contest.

AND this one is a gift for a friend who is a Batman fan.

I don't think I ever draw Batman the same way twice, mostly because I don't think I've given much thought to what my version of the character would be like. I think in my head it's a combination of Jim Aparo, David Mazzucchelli and Rodin. Haven't figured it out yet.
Anyway, I have a feeling I'll be doing more Batman drawings before the Holiday season is through ;)
PS - I will be holding a similar contest for the folks who follow the blog. Watch for more info on that later today, Thursday Dec. 17Th.
Just call you, Mr. Contest. And that ain't a complaint!
I wanna WIN! Your work is awesome. I'll be watching your blog like a hawk today.
Man, those are tight. I mean really tight. I think it really does have a big Dave Mazz. look going for it. I will toss another Dave in there. Dave Johnson. The Devil Pig himself.
Makes me think we need to see more Batman...or a Man-Bat. Seriously. Man-Bat.
man. what can't you draw, amazing stuff sir!
Craig - Been in a giving mood with the Holidays coming :)
Oran - Cool. I'll shoot info out to everyone tonight. Basically if you follow the blog, you're already entered.
Patrick - Hmm? Manbat, aye? I just did a Joke one (will poster later) and have a Harley one started but maybe next time. Manbat might be hella cool!
Marco - I have trouble drawing clouds. No shit :) Anyway, thanks!
I'm a new follower, courtesy of skottie young. The contests are really awesome ideas. I love your work.
Thanks! Yeah, it's a nice way to give a little back for the Holidays :)
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