Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ghost Rider!

Got this commission which just so happens to coincide with Marvel week at Comic Twart. I had actually considered doing Ghost Rider for C.T., but decided against it. So it's funny to be asked to draw him the same week!



hkphan said...

You were getting mad love from everyone I showed this to @ work today. And that was just a pic on my phone. Old flame-head never looked better! LOL :)

Mike Hawthorne said...

Very cool!

Thanks again!

PatrickWedge said...

That's a damn cool perspective shot. The torso just looks imposing and done....right.

And kudos on the logo! Old school lettering with modern day style.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Pat. I appreciate it. I dug drawing him, more then I expected :)


PatrickWedge said...

You're style on this had such a JR JR feel to him. More brawn and bad ass than the wild, scrawny look some artists give him.

He's a biker...from Hell. Hmm.....that's a decent idea actually. Demonic Sons of Anarchy.

Mike Hawthorne said...

I love it with people compare me to giants, even if I don't see it ;-)

Seriously tho,thanks man. And, yeah, i dig what you're saying. I like his original look, that biker-from-hell feel. I live in Central PA, a HUGE biker hub, in a town that actually manufactures Harley's. So I'm used to seeing these dudes around...a LOT!

Just now with flaming heads ;-)

Thanks again.


Takács Krisztián said...

Great job!