So, the fellas on Comic Twart got the idea to devote two weeks to the theme of us all taking over various Marvel books. I expect great things from the boys.
I've picked two books, one for each week. This week I chose The X-men. I had planned to paint this but CONAN is calling. So you'll have to settle for the pencils till I can either paint or ink it.

Here's the rough version with all the construction drawing done in red-

PS - After I started this I noticed I forgot to add Beast, so here's a piece I did of him for a pal a while back.

PSS - I shoulda' added Rogue too! Drat!
Wow... EPIC work, Mike.
That spread is incredible, Mike!!
Simon - Thanks, man!
Hey, read your new book! Amazing stuff!
James - Thanks,James. 'preciate it :)
And you forgot Kitty ^_^
I love the piece. It says a lot that you go for the '80s team.
Maybe you could pinch-hot on Uncanny X-Force when Jerome Opena needs a break. Not like you've never done that before -_^
Damn, you're right! I did forget her, and Lockheed!
Also, about pinch-hitting, I have indeed done that a time or three ;-)
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